
Showing posts from January, 2022

Why Your Business Needs A Corporate Travel Company

 As a business owner, you know that your time is limited . So, you need to make sure that you employ it the best way you can. If there is one thing that most business owners tend to do that take them too much time is traveling? Even though you might need to do is frequently , the truth is that when you use a regular airline, the most unexpected things can happen, leading you to even more time waste. So, one of the best things you can do is to hire a corporate travel company. Here's why: #1: Save Time: As we already mentioned above, this is one of the main reasons why you absolutely need a corporate travel company. When you have a more efficient booking process, you're leaving your employees with more time for their actual tasks. #2: Get The Best Fares: Even though you may already have your personal agent working on your travels for you and your business, the truth is that when you hire a corporate travel company, you'll be able to enjoy even more savings. #3: The Best Supp

Travel Expenses?

 All of those things are perfectly valid arguments - for now. But putting supplier and customer in the same room has no long-term sustainable future. Technology is making it redundant. Not today, perhaps not tomorrow, but soon. Of course, it's fair to say that some companies like to show how much power they have over suppliers by summoning them for a 15-minute meeting a three-hour drive away, keeping them waiting for no other reason than 'because they can', and then sending a deputy to do the face-to-face part. That's mere arrogance, and that kind of company won't change. The time spent, of course, will be reflected in the bill... But for more enlightened customers there is a recognition that time is not only money, but is also finite. Sure, a personal connection is vital. Before a contract is awarded, it's good to see the whites of their eyes; to see if they're the kind of people you'd like to do business with. But after that, meet once a year, perhap